When I was a kid we would spend all day outside in the summer. My sisters and I rode our bikes, played tag and hide and seek. We didn’t go inside much. Back in the day we didn’t have air conditioning, tablets, cell phones and there was nothing for kids to watch on TV. So our fun times were outside. As the days went by, and we had our fun in the sun, our skin got a tan. We were kind of pale, naturally. In the winter, there was no trace of this tanned skin.

After I got older, I didn’t spend so much time in the sun. Working days full time took up my sun fun activities. Then, after I got married and started having kids, I really didn’t have time in the sun. Now don’t get me wrong, I went outside with my kids and watched them. They played in the sun but I was in the shade, usually with a baby whose skin was to delicate for the sun. As the kids got older, they could play outside without me so I stayed inside doing laundry and dishes, planning supper, getting snacks and so on. I did go in and out checking when I heard a cry or an argument starting. But for the most part being outside, in the sun, was not something I exposed myself to.

Fast forward 30 years, and my time is a little different. I only work 2 days a week. I have time to get outside and walk during the day, I have 2 friends that have swimming pools and my grand kids love to play outside. So, I am again exposed to the sun. My youngest daughter made the comment, “How is Mom so tan?”. It is because of what I am exposed to. Spending time in the sun. You can tell by looking and the stories of fun in the sun I have, where I spend my time. What are you exposed to? Are you being exposed to everything that is wrong with people and the world? Exposed to fear and anxiety, wondering what tomorrow might bring? Or are you exposed to what is good? What is fun and enjoyable, sharing and laughing with loved ones. Positive thoughts and encouragement. People can tell what you have been exposed to.

Your life will reflect where you have been spending your time. I know that the world is full of negativity. People, news and situations. But just like me now with the sun, I choose what I am exposed to. I choose to be around positive people that have goals and dreams for their life. I choose to be involved with generous people and happy people. I make time for these things. Just like I make plans to visit my friends with the pool and to take a walk in the sun and play outside with my grand kids. Life is all about choices.

If you want to change your life, you have to choose a source. As children, we are products of our environment. But there were hopes and dreams put inside of us as children. Look inside. Dig deep. Pull up those dreams. Then, you need to choose a source. For instance, if my husband is driving me crazy, I’m not going to call a friend who is going through a terrible divorce and talk to her about my marriage. I need to talk to someone who will help me through the feelings and frustrations. When I was a teenager, all the people I knew who were married were not happy. They complained and talked abut everything that was wrong with the spouse. Not a good source for me to have hope for a good marriage.

Another example is your health and finances. I was raised with without learning healthy habits and there were no boundaries on food. My mom and dad also lived payday to payday. I did not know anyone that was successful in these areas. Because of this, they have been a struggle for me as an adult. But I didn’t just say oh well, that’s just how I am. I learned how to manage money and use it as a tool in my life. My husband was my source, and he was patient and encouraging with me. He showed me how to make a plan and then the steps we needed to take to get there. Did it always work out? No. There were bumps and turns and obstacles along the way but, little by little, I learned to think correctly about money and we are now successful.

Health habits have been more difficult. Food has been my drug of choice in my life. It has been my source of comfort and peace, even though it is temporary. I have tried and tried to get my choices in order. I wanted better habits because I work with heart patients and I see first hand the results of having bad health habits. I want a long, healthy, strong life with my husband and loved ones. I want to be able to have a quality life. Right now, I’m not sick but I can say I’m not really healthy either. I needed to go to a source to help me change my mind about my unhealthy relationship with food. You can put whatever you want here. Lots of people work too much, drink too much, do drugs, etc, etc.

I did get a new source. They have helped me learn about myself and my reaction to triggers. What I’m saying is every area of your life can change. We are looking for restoration in all the broken areas and the truth is we just don’t know how to be successful because we haven’t been taught. Our source was broken too. But there is an abundance of resources out there. I believe faith is the first step. Knowing that God has a plan and He wants us to be the best we can be. When your foundation is set on unconditional love, the rest of your life will be strong. A sure foundation holds up everything else. You get to choose what you are exposed to. Do you have a dream or a vision for a different life? Then start finding people with the same visions. Expose yourself to a different way of thinking and living. The key is in your hand. Don’t be afraid to use it.